Innovative agriculture trainings and capacity building for young disadvantaged adults of rural areas with SCLC – Project 018
Project 018 / 2019 – 2023
A group of farmers will be formed, which will benefit from agriculture trainings and exposure visits for learning durable and innovative agriculture practices and new technologies. Four model farmers will be chosen each year and will receive a scholarship so that they can develop their operation.
One issue is that the farmers of the project zone don’t have access to reliable plant centres for agriculture. The quality of plants or grains is never assured but the price is very high. Another problem is that the farmers are ready to cultivate fruit plants, that can only be found in that region, but they don’t have an appropriate centre for horticulture in order to obtain those plants. In these regards, the model farm will be extended in order to get plant centres and to provide everything that the farmers need (training in raw materials) to start and develop their cultures. It will also be used in order to raise funds, that will be reinvested into the project.
Project details
151 139 €
400 farmers per year
Shikharapur Community Learning Centre (SCLC) is an organization that was founded by the community of Dahshinkali and works for various development activities of the community such as education, the development of skills of the youth, autonomy of women, formal and informal education, alphabetisation, the learning of adults and open schooling.
The activities will be made on a campus, which is composed by a public school as well as an Open School, that is free of charge and open for people of all ages.
The prime objective of SCLC is to create an appropriate environment for young adults, where they can improve their skills, use them to work independently and explore the different opportunities offered by the agriculture market, which should encourage them to avoid risky, low paid jobs in other countries.
Districts of Kathmandu and Makwanpur
Decent work
Equal opportunities
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