Environmental projects 2024 - 2028

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Building on the success of our pilot project (2022-2023) funded by the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, we are excited to launch a new phase of our initiative with the support of the International Climate Fund and the Luxembourg Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development. This project, in partnership with Umbrella Organization Nepal (UON), aims to restore the river environment and biodiversity in the municipality of Waling, while improving the livelihoods of the local Majhi community by utilizing bamboo for income-generating activities and reforestation efforts.


In parallel, we are continuing our successful collaboration with the Shikharapur Community Learning Centre (SCLC). From 2024 to 2028, this ambitious project focuses on empowering communities through continuous education, climate action, and sustainable agriculture. Our objectives include promoting climate-smart agricultural practices, establishing an Agricultural Learning Resource Center, and training young people and farmers to enhance climate resilience and local innovation.

Join us in these transformative initiatives for a sustainable and inclusive future in Nepal!


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