Volunteering and internships


In Luxembourg, the ONGD-FNEL also has the mission to undertake actions aimed at raising the awareness of young people and the general public regarding development issues and the local realities of a country like Nepal. This goes through our development education projects and actions and through the organisation of volunteering experiences and internships.

Service volontaire de coopération

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The Service volontaire de coopération (SVC) supervised by the National Youth Service (SNJ) allows young Luxembourg residents to leave for a long-term stay in a developing country. This program was set up in partnership with the Department of Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Volunteers are sent by organizations approved as non-governmental development organization (NGDO) and as a voluntary service organization.

ONGD-FNEL therefore offers young people interested to have a volunteering experience with one of its partners in Nepal, a unique experience to open up to local realities and contribute to the work of change makers.


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Are you interested in volunteering for our NGO ? Would you like to contribute to our work with your knowledge and skills and support us on one-off missions? Do not hesitate to contact us.