Support for families that are affected by HIV with the help of livelihood trainings and scholarships with SETU Nepal – Project 006
Project 006 / 2019 – 2023
The project is continued from the previous agreement. The previous projects were focussed on the education of women and children that are infected by HIV and show them methods on how to become independent again. Regarding the evaluation of the programs and with the goal of becoming more effective in its actions, SETU Nepal came up with two new ideas that serve as a base for the elaboration of the new project:
- An integrated program is needed for sustainability
- Women's livelihoods can not be changed until families as a whole are addressed
The new project has been developed in order to approach the needs of families that are affected by HIV in a holistic way. Mothers learn necessary skills with livelihood trainings and small entrepreneurship trainings, children receive scholarships and older students are supported for their further education in order to improve their life and make them independent again. Moreover, SETU Nepal has a transit home (Aarati Home), where women and children in need can have temporary shelter where they receive nutritional support, health treatments and counselling. At the moment Aarati Home is also home to 8 children that stay there continuously after losing their parents.
We will continue to support the transit home that gives temporary shelter to women and children in need.
Project details
365 015 €
- 70 women that are infected by HIV for trainings
- 100 children that are infected or affected by HIV for scholarships
- Around ten young students that come from families that are affected by HIV for their further studies
- Around 50 women and children that are HIV positive will be welcomed in the transit home
SETU Nepal conducts capacity trainings with HIV positive women from different districts so that they can build an independent life and provide a stable future for themselves and their children. The trainings talk about gender equality, health, nutrition, reproductive health, HIV/Aids, rights and how to lead your own business. They give scholarships to children and try to improve government schools with different campaigns such as “One Rupees Campaign”, “Day Meal Program” and teacher trainings. The idea of the organization is to work as a bridge and help those marginalized people to re-enter into society and lead a meaningful life. They stay in close contact with their beneficiaries by conducting yearly field visits in the different district of Nepal in order to check on the situation of their participants. The organization works with local associations and health centres in order to identify affected women and children and help them accordingly.
Gender equality
Decent work
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